Qilian International Holding Group Ltd
[WKN: A2PUZ0 | ISIN: KYG7307E1070]
0,720$ 0,98%
Echtzeit-Aktienkurs Qilian International Holding Group Ltd
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Echtzeit-Chart der Qilian International Holding Group Ltd Aktie

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Börsenkurse Qilian International Holding Group Ltd

Nasdaq - - - - 0,720$ 0,98%
USA - - - - 0,711$ -0,35%

Fundamentaldaten der Qilian International Holding Group Ltd Aktie

Income Statement: 10-Year-Summary

Datum Umsatz EBIT Gewinn EPS Dividende KGV KUV
2023 [USD] 46,47 Mio. -7,90 Mio. -7,78 Mio. -0,22 - - 0,55
2022 [USD] 64,86 Mio. 1,56 Mio. 1,08 Mio. 0,03 - 24,00 0,40
2021 [USD] 57,10 Mio. 3,36 Mio. 3,15 Mio. 0,09 - 8,18 0,45
2020 [USD] 50,03 Mio. 5,81 Mio. 5,06 Mio. 0,14 - 5,07 0,51
2019 [USD] 46,10 Mio. 6,94 Mio. 5,33 Mio. 0,15 - 4,83 0,56
2018 [USD] 50,37 Mio. 6,15 Mio. 5,17 Mio. 0,15 - 4,97 0,51
2017 [USD] 22,54 Mio. 1,86 Mio. 1,41 Mio. 0,04 - 18,00 1,14
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Profil der Qilian International Holding Group Ltd Aktie

Qilian International Holding Group Ltd. is a pharmaceutical and chemical company. It focuses on the research, development, manufacture, marketing, and sale of oxytetracycline products, licorice products, traditional Chinese medicine derivatives product, heparin product, sausage casings, and fertilizers. The Licorice products include Gan Di Xin, Qilian Shan Licorice Extract, and Qilian Shan Licorice Liquid Extract. The Oxytetracycline products consists of Qilian Shan Oxytetracycline Tablets and Qilian Shan Oxytetracycline Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API). The TCMD product includes Ahan antibacterial paste, which is made from a mixture of traditional Chinese herbal ingredients. The heparin product includes Heparin Sodium Preparations. The Sausage Casings products include Zhu Xiaochang Sausage Casings, which are all-natural food products used for culinary purposes. The Fertilizer products is composed of Xiongguan Organic Fertilizer and Xiongguan Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertilize